Acrylic Play Date

Today I decided to play around with some gesso, tissue and rice paper on watercolor paper. The first thing I did was crumble up some of the tissue and rice paper, then tore some of it into smaller pieces.

After I selected the size of watercolor paper I wanted, I spooned some gesso out onto it, spreading it out with a spreader. It took only a few hours to dry this morning.

Next I sketched out the angel, spiral, etc. Then started painting with watercolor and fluid acrylics, laying in some color. The painting needs a lot more work before I develop the angel and spiral, but I was tired and decided to finish later.

vAngel at Play

Angel at Play (c) 2008
Watercolor, Acrylic/Mixed Media

“In order for my work to evolve, I become involved in playfulness and take the opportunity to look at the ‘what- ifs.’ Whatever the result, it expands my vision by letting go of who I think I am and discovering the spirit within.” Jean Deemer

Saturday SketchCrawl

quick sketch

Saturday’s around here are always busy and this one was no exception. Today was world wide “sketch crawl” day and my husband sponsored one in our area. It’s always great fun but due to still recovering from the flu, I stayed home.

Instead I cleaned off my computer work area. It really needed it! Of course, a nice clean area just begs for some kind of creative activity. Resistance is futile! I just had to sit down and do a quick sketch in my new clean area.

Above is my moleskin journal and watercolor travel set. I also used watercolor pencils as well.

Rose’s computer work area

My computer work space clean and ready to go!

Working in Acrylic

Learning to paint with acrylics has been an interesting journey, and certainly very challenging for someone used to working with oils. I painted with oils for many years and stopped because of allergies.

The acrylic/ mixed medium painting I am currently working on right now is a work in progress.

I sometimes like to alternate between paintings and other projects, because it gives me a chance to process the work, and if I feel stuck for any reason then I take some time off. When I return, I’m refreshed and ready to go!

Below is the latest acrylic painting I am working on. All images are copyrighted.

Sea Woman

Scarab Paper Mosaic

Working on a paper mosaic scarab. I began cutting many tiny little pieces of paper for the body, wings, and the sun. I had a great time, although it was a bit messy. I am already dreaming up more projects using this technique. Below is a photo of this work in progress. After it dries I will begin work on the next process.


Creative Spirit

My creative spirit was forced into exile for the past few days. Mr. Influenza came for a visit, and really put a damper on my plans for this week. Too sick to work, and too tired to care. I’m surrounded by Kleenex boxes, sore throat lozenges, a cup of hot herbal tea, and books to read.

I discovered there are some positive things that can come out of being sick with the flu. Being sick allows us to appreciate many things we tend to take for granted, and also forces us to slow down and smell the roses.

“Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play, and to look up at the stars”. Henry Van Dyke

Paper Mosaic Collage

I love creating collage out of waste materials, giving new life to the junk mail we receive on a daily basis. It’s my way of recycling catalogs, magazines, flyer’s, calenders, etc. Currently, I am creating mosaic collages out of little pieces of paper and other materials.

These cut pieces of paper can be as small as the size of a brush stroke, so therefore one needs hundreds of these little bits of cut paper. There is a sculptural quality to this type of collage, with an interplay of areas of color, texture, and detail. I glue these pieces onto a canvas or poster board in which I have sketched a general outline of the subject to be portrayed.

So grab some magazines, scissors, acrylic gel (gloss) medium, tweezers, and begin creating your own paper mosaic collages.

Happy New Year

Welcome to my blog/art journal/musings, etc.

My definition of “blog” is what we baby boomers call a journal or diary, this was before technology came along with a creative new solution. Now we are able to update and share our thoughts, inspiration, and creativity with others.

Since I am a painter I’ll be sharing updates on work in progress, marketing, promoting, creative musings and activities. So I hope you will visit often. Grab a cup of coffee, relax and enjoy my creative explorations.

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun” Mary Lou Cook