What a great Collage Assemblage Video! This could be one way of recycling old paintings & sketches, and a creative way to use all those old frames stored in the garage. I love it!
thought for the day: “Creating a collage from parts of paintings is like keeping a diary of certain incidences of your vision.” – Louise Cadillac
After many days of very hot weather it finally cooled down today and that makes me a happy camper.
I’ve been playing around with this piece for a couple of days. The inspiration for it came partly from watching crows in our yard and partly from a dream I had about a crow reading aloud from a book about the history of Horus. I was told by someone standing next to me, that I was there only as an observer. About midway through the dream I woke up and couldn’t remember a word the crow said. lol
Anyway, I had fun creating this painting. I will try to research the connection, if any, between Horus, the hawk-headed Egyptian god of the sky, and crows. That should be interesting . . .
The Observer – Acrylic Art – Mixed media Collage – 9 x 12 inches on paper
“Hear the voice of the Bard! / Who present, past, and future sees; / Whose ears have heard/ The Holy Word / That walked among the ancient trees.” – William Blake
Here’s wishing everyone a wonderful Earth Day!
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” – John Muir
Here is a wonderful video featuring Maggie Ayres thoughts and techniques behind her beautiful cocoon creations. Amazing!
To find out more about Maggie Ayres and her artwork go here.
“To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.” – George Kneller
There were butterflies in the garden this morning . . . . So beautiful and so fragile! They inspired me to want to do something creative. I have been so busy with other projects, I haven’t had the time or inclination to work in the studio.
At times when I am feeling blocked, but feel the need to create something, I pull out my stamps, watercolors and various papers and create whatever comes to mind. I find it helps me to get the creative juices flowing again.
When I had finished this piece, I took it into Photoshop and added one of my favorite quotes.
“Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.” – Arthur Koestler
“You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.” – Nietzsche