1. The Awakening

The awakening painting was created by first making a pencil sketch on paper then scanning it into the computer. I used Corel Painter 7 & IX to paint the image. Mostly I used the soft charcoal variant of charcoal & the artist...

2. Moon Goddess

I’ve had a love affair with the moon ever since I was child, and my favorite past time was going outside after sunset to swing on my swing set, until the moon came out. I would sing to the moon and mom would play the guitar, it was...

3. Nimue

The Lady of the lake from the Arthurian legend has always fascinated me, and the moment I laid eyes on a photograph sent to me of my niece Tessa, I knew I had found my inspiration for the painting of Nimue. It was a photo of Tessa,...

4. Daybreak

Aurora is the Roman Goddess of the Dawn. Her name means ” daybreak, the dawn, or sunrise. Ovid describes her as the one who brings the light of day as she rides in her chariot across the skies ahead of the sun. I envisioned her with...

5. Mask Of Gaia

Gaia the primordial Greek goddess believed to be The Mother Goddess or Great Goddess. She is also said to personify the earth,  the Greek version of  “Mother Nature”. The inspiration for this painting came from a dream I had...
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Chroma Interactive Acrylics Demo

My husband and I went to a interactive acrylic and medium demonstration this afternoon and we had so much fun! We got to try out the Atelier acrylics by Chroma, they can be adjusted and blended longer than conventional acrylics, and they lose moisture gradually allowing you to control the drying process.

They also have this wonderfully, smooth, buttery consistency and I love the fact that even after your paint has dried, you can spray on some unlocking formula and it will reopen the paint layer so new paint can be blended back in. How great is that?

They also had a drawing for prizes at the end of the demo, and my husband won a starter set of these paints with extra goodies including the unlocking formula. What a perfect end to a perfect day.


Atelier Interactive Artist Starter Set

Kuan Yin

This morning as I finished my tea, I felt inspired by the lamp on the table next to me to create a painting of Kuan Yin. This lamp was given to me by a very dear friend, who moved to Hawaii several years ago.

Kuan Yin is one of the most universally beloved of deities in the Buddhist tradition, known as the Goddess of mercy and compassion.

As chance would have it, I already had a canvas prepared and waiting. Using the Kuan Yin lamp as my muse I began to paint.

Kwan Yin Lamp

Kuan Yin Lamp

I spent most of the day working on this painting, and feeling good about how it’s beginning to shape up. There’s still a lot more to do before it is finished, and I hope to have some time to work on it this weekend.

Kuan Yin

Kuan Yin

New Water Mixable oils

My new Winsor & Newton water mixable oil color set came today! This is so exciting because no hazardous solvents are required in order to use them.

I gave up oil painting years ago because of allergies and these new water mixable oils just may be the answer to my prayers.

Today I worked on the Collage Painting “Dream Thyme”, I sanded some areas and collaged a key to the text about how dreams heal our body, mind, and spirit. The moon and the background still need a little more work and then it will be finished.

Dream Thyme

Dream Thyme

We crave a world of either/or, but the Dream says, Both/and. We build a wall between our social persona and our inner selves; the Dream bids us, Demolish it. We wish to believe we’re separate from one another, but the Dream insists, We are in this together. We are pleased to believe Time is a one-way river from past to present to future, yet the Dream reveals, All three times flow into one. We wish to seek pure virtue and avoid all stain, but the Dream avers, The dark and the light are braided and bound.
-Marc Barasch, Healing Dreams

Try, Try Again

This morning as I was preparing for another day in the studio, I remembered there were some old canvases stored behind the kitchen door so I took a look to see what was there.

I found an old painting that would be perfect for a collage piece and I’m eager to begin working on it.

It was one of my first explorations into the world of acrylic painting and I became so frustrated with the medium and how fast the paint dried, that afterwards I put it in ‘the garbage out’, pile.

I’m so glad I didn’t throw it out and I have the chance to salvage this piece.


Spring Unsprung

Reflections Of The Inner Spirit

Today I worked some more on “Reflections of the Inner Spirit” collage, I proceeded to paint, stamp, and sandpaper the surface until late afternoon, when I suddenly realized it was time to stop.

Tomorrow I will be embellishing the piece with whatever is needed to finish the work. Whew! I’m tired, and it’s time for me to kick back and relax for awhile!


Reflections of the Inner Spirit
(The Buddha Within)

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” – Buddha (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)