1. The Awakening

The awakening painting was created by first making a pencil sketch on paper then scanning it into the computer. I used Corel Painter 7 & IX to paint the image. Mostly I used the soft charcoal variant of charcoal & the artist...
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The Cat & The Fly

Here is a little something for all you cat lovers out there.

Great Animation!

quote for the day;

“A cat’s eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world.” – Irish Legend

I’m Only a Cat

I’m only a cat,
and I stay in my place…
Up there on your chair,
on your bed or your face!

I’m only a cat,
and I don’t finick much…
I’m happy with cream
and anchovies and such!

I’m only a cat,
and we’ll get along fine…
As long as you know
I’m not yours… you’re all mine!

Author Unknown

Star Of The Sea

Star Of The Sea * work in progress

Star Of The Sea – Mixed Media – 5 x 7 inches – Work in progress

This morning I started working on an idea I had for a painting inspired by seashells I found in a box while rummaging through our garage.

There were tiny starfish no bigger than the tip of my little finger and seashells of every shape and color imaginable. I also found sea glass, tiny round stones, dried sea grass and a cornucopia of treasures I had gathered on one of our seaside visits.

I felt like a little girl who had found a magical treasure box!

Over the years I have found beautiful pieces of driftwood, and an odd assortment of sea shells, and sea onions for art projects, and as reference material for sketches.

I love the way sea onions look when dried and they are great for making rattles and little wizened magical creatures.

thoughts for the day;

“Every time we walk along a beach some ancient urge disturbs us so that we find ourselves shedding shoes and garments or scavenging among seaweed and whitened timbers like the homesick refugees of a long war.” -Loren Eiseley

“Why do we love the sea?  It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think.” – Robert Henri

The Butterfly

The Blue Butterfly

The Blue Butterfly – Mixed Media – 10 x 13 inches

This painting/collage was inspired by an encounter with a white butterfly yesterday.

While I was weeding in the garden I saw a white butterfly come  into the garden and  land on a nearby plant. I took a minute to admire it  and then continued on with my weeding.

Suddenly I noticed a fluttering next to my cheek. It was the butterfly! I remained perfectly still, completely surprised that it had landed on my hair. Several minutes passed before it flew away.

Butterflies are powerful symbols for transformation and change.

It is believed that when we encounter butterflies in our daily life they are a reminder to embrace change, joy and love, within the dance of life.

The dance of the butterfly teaches us not to take things too seriously. If we look closely at what the butterfly is trying to teach, we will discover it is that all change is good. It may not seem like it at the time but change is the never ending cycle of self transformation and is necessary for growth and accomplishment.

When we believe that change is too difficult, we invite stagnation and soul loss. We lose our courage to embrace life and transform into the beautiful, loving, powerful beings we are meant to become.

Drink deeply of the magic that the butterfly has to offer and taste the sweetness of life. – Rose Arizmendi

quote for the day;

“May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun, and find your shoulder to light on  To bring you luck, happiness and riches today, tomorrow and beyond.” – Irish Blessing

The Hopi perform a sacred ceremonial butterfly dance in August and early September which they perform to petition for rain, good health, and a long life for all living things.

Ink Jet Tranfers

Wow! I would love to try this technique using a print of one of my paintings.

Thinking about the endless possibilities makes my head swim. lol

thought for the day;

“To stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination for play and the childlike desire for recognition.” – Albert Einstein

A New Painting

For the past week or so I have been busy working on this new painting.

Today I worked on the bodice area and next I will be adding another layer for some detail and dimension. Then I will start working on the rest of the dress.

I still have a long way to go, but I am happy with the way things are progressing.

Awen - work in progress

Awen – Welsh word for “(divine) inspiration.” – Mixed Media – 12 x 16 inches

thought for the day;

“Wind comes from the spring star in the East,
Fire comes from the summer star in the South,
Water comes from the autumn star in the West,
Wisdom, silence, and death come from the winter
star in the North.” – Fiona MacLeod